Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Versatile Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award

I was recently awarded this by the PoorCollegeStudent at
If you haven't already, you should check out her blog!

The rules of this award are:

1. Share 7 things about yourself.
2. Pass the award onto a few bloggers who you have recently discovered.
3. Let these blogs know that you have awarded them the Versatile Blogging Award

7 Things

1. I studied Economics in college, but teach English for a living.

2. I am currently living out one of my biggest dreams in life, which was to live and work in Japan. Though now I am ready to move on to my next dream....which I am still trying to figure out.

3. Everyone in Japan thinks I am only 25 years old, but I am in fact much older.

4. My favorite color is purple, though most people think its pink.

5. I have a tattoo of a tribal sun on my lower back that I got when I was in university. I often forget its there (as I cannot see it) but I am always reminded of it when I want to go swimming or to hot spring here in Japan, because I have to hide it.

6. I have seen every episode of FRIENDS, multiple times.

7. While I like Japan, but I really miss California!

I nominate:
1. SheGLAM - very beautiful blogger who has wonderful FOTD posts!!

and anyone else who wants to participate!


  1. Oooh, thanks for this post. I love learning about other bloggers! We MUST meet up next time I'm in Tokyo!

    I've been seeing more and more people in Japan with tattoos. I wonder how much longer they are going to be able to keep up the "no people with tattoos allowed" things in gyms, hot springs, etc?

  2. Definitely! I am really looking forward to meeting you! :)

    I hope it changes soon, I had to buy a rash guard to go in the pool in Oiso. I felt so funny wearing a "shirt" over my bathing suit while in the pool. Its like I was in jr. high again. I haven't had any trouble at the hot springs, but pools and gyms seem to be more strict on it. (ie. posting the info in English and not just Japanese). I just bought a one piece bathing suit online so it will be covered next time I go swimming.

  3. Congrats on the award! I'm the same way with Friends - I could watch every episode all over again.
